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How to Write and Give Your Two Weeks’ Notice Letter: Tips and Templates

Learn the art of crafting and delivering a professional two weeks notice letter with ease using our expert tips and customizable templates.
By Synkdup Editorial Team  |  26 February 2024
Two Weeks Notice

It is immensely important to leave on good terms when you are resigning from a company, and you need to control your emotions upon any impulse to act out of resentment. You could run into the same people again at some point in your career, and at that time, it might pay off to have maintained professionalism with them. Leaving on good terms would also enable you to get a letter of recommendation without any difficulty.

Now, a big part of extending professional courtesy to your company while leaving is to provide a two-week notice. From the organization’s point of view, it is the most valuable document, even more so than your resignation letter, as it allows them to arrange your replacement in time so that the work is not interrupted and the company doesn’t incur any avoidable losses.

In this post, we will explain how to go about serving your notice period and cover everything from writing your two-week notice letter to helping train your replacement.

What Is A 2 Week Notice Letter?

A 2 week notice letter is typically required to be submitted when an employee decides to resign from an organization. It is generally handed in around 2 weeks or so before their last working day at the firm. It is an important form of written communication between the employee and the management, which may not have any legal basis but is often a part of contractual stipulations.

Why a 2 Week Notice Letter Is Submitted?

There are two main reasons why you should give a two-week notice, even if there is no contract binding you to do so. The first is that it is a courteous thing to do, and the second is that it makes for a smooth transition. This smooth transition helps in maintaining productivity and avoids sudden disruptions in ongoing projects, deadlines, or client relationships. You don’t want to be that guy who just ghosts the company. That kind of behavior should be reserved for situations where things have gone bad between you and the company or you hate your job.

The two-week standard is accepted in most industries and work cultures. This is because two weeks strikes a balance between allowing the employee enough time to wrap up their responsibilities and providing the employer sufficient time to find a replacement or distribute tasks among the team.

In some cases, the two-week notice period may be specified in employment contracts, company policies, or labor laws. Employers often outline this duration in employment agreements to set clear expectations and obligations for resignations. So, there you go if you’ve been wondering why 2 weeks' notice is required.

How to Put 2 Week Notice?

Resigning from a company is not as straightforward as it sounds. Various procedures need to be followed for either contractual or ethical purposes. Putting in a 2 week notice letter should be done diligently.

Plan Carefully Beforehand

It is important to handle these scenarios tactfully and avoid being abrupt or disrespectful in any way while doing so. It is also important to note that such decisions are usually irreversible and, hence, should be thoroughly analyzed before committing to them. It also helps to inform management and co-workers verbally before making it official with a resignation letter.

It is important to think things through before handing in that resignation letter, as such decisions are hard to change. It is important to consider contractual obligations when making this important choice, along with project commitments and their current status.

Timing is also crucial, so avoid telling these things to your supervisor when they are busy. Pick a time when things are more relaxed and calm. Also, make sure you have a plan figured out for how you transfer information to help the company out in transition.

Review Contractual Stipulations

Read through company policies and the employment contract beforehand to know all the terms and conditions applicable during resignation. Details, like notice periods, are bound to be mentioned in these documents. The last thing you want is to have a contract infraction while resigning. This is not a good way to exit any company.

Hence, it is best to find out company protocols regarding resignation well in advance while planning your resignation rather than doing so at the last moment. Do not verbally disclose your intent to resign without going through this step.

Informing Your Supervisor

It also helps if you inform your supervisor about your decision beforehand rather than directly sending out the resignation letter. You should meet up with the manager in private when disclosing your decision. A helpful idea would be to plan out what you wish to state in the conversation so nothing important gets left out. Discuss the transition plan to help the company cope and move on without you.

Submit The Resignation Letter

Once you’ve discussed the matter with your boss and other relevant company officials, it is time to take the next step by handing in the resignation letter. This can be done through email or by submitting a hard copy.

It is best to keep this letter brief and to the point. Do not mention irrelevant information, like the new company you plan on joining, what the post has offered you, the salary you will be receiving, etc., as these increase the length unnecessarily.

Save A Copy

It is important to make sure you save and preserve this information. If you have sent your resignation letter through email, keep a copy of it with you because it serves as proof. The same applies if you are submitting a printout. Keep the soft copy of the printout safe with you.

One can never be sure when such documents will come in handy. A lot of individuals neglect this step, feeling it is unnecessary or purely out of complacency. However, it is always best to be prepared for all possible scenarios.

Providing Constructive Feedback

If you have decided to leave the company, it is a good opportunity to provide feedback. Constructive feedback can be immensely valuable for the company, allowing them to understand the reasons for your departure and potentially improving the workplace for future employees.

It is important to choose the right time and place to do this with your boss. Choose a time when they are available so adequate time can be given to the conversation. Be objective in your critique, and if possible, give examples of incidents to support your argument. Keep a positive tone and be constructive with your intentions. Be willing to follow up if necessary, as it shows genuine interest.

Saying Goodbye in Style

You could organize a small farewell gathering with your colleagues to bid a proper farewell. This could be a casual gathering or a simple lunch, providing an opportunity for everyone to say their goodbyes and share well-wishes. Curate a playlist of songs that remind you of the good times and shared experiences and play it during your farewell gathering.

Prepare a heartfelt speech that expresses your gratitude and fond memories. Share your journey, the lessons you've learned, and your hopes for the future. Try to make it personal and genuine.

You could also write personalized thank-you notes to people who have had a significant impact on your career at the company. Handwritten notes are a great way to show thoughtfulness and leave a lasting impression.

How to Write an Effective Two Weeks Notice

Even if you are at liberty to simply inform your supervisor verbally about your decision to leave two weeks in advance, it is still preferred to give your notice in writing. There are many reasons for this, the most important being that you’ll have evidence that you gave notice on time in case any issue arises.

Follow these tips while drafting your 2-week notice letter/email:

Clear Subject Line And Recepient’s Details

The subject line is used when handing in a resignation letter through email. It should be simple and get the point across without leaving much scope for ambiguity. A good subject line plays a key role in convincing the reader to go through the rest of the message.

If you are giving out the notice letter in the form of a hard copy, you typically will need to give out the recipient’s details before getting to the body of the letter. It is important to get this information right. Failure to do so can make you look unprofessional.

Concise Opening

Be direct about your purpose and avoid beating about the bush. Let the reader know about your intention to resign within the first two sentences of the first paragraph. After that, also remember to mention your designation and last working date. Make sure this date is two weeks from the time of your resignation.

Show Gratitude And Make Positive Wishes

It is an important aspect of business etiquette to be grateful to the organization and its members for all that you have received from them during your tenure. It helps curb the damage of losing you and creates warm feelings all around. Acknowledging those who have helped in your professional journey is important, regardless of what stage you may be at in your career.

Mention Being Committed While You Are Still There

This is also an essential part of being a good professional in any line of work. One should always show full commitment to the company they are in. Even if you are going to be gone soon, you should still be focused on your work and any current assignments you may be having.

Also, be willing to help out in transition and help the firm move forward positively. This may even include training your replacement and guiding them in the early stages. If you are in a leadership role in the firm, your responsibilities in transition may be greater, so it is best to be prepared for this beforehand.

Maintain A Formal Tone

It is common for individuals to get emotional when leaving a company. This is especially true if they have been with the company for a long period, which is often the case for those employed in leadership roles.

However, it is important when typing out the 2 week notice letter that you write it formally. Try to be neutral emotionally while composing the resignation letter. Use formal vocabulary to close the letter with words like ‘Regards’ or ‘Sincerely’.

Provide Contact Information

It is always a good practice to mention your contact details in your resignation letter for management and co-workers to reach out to you. This could real in handy if they need to follow up or require assistance in the transition process. It could be especially beneficial to newer colleagues who may not know you as well, so they do not have your contact number.


As with any document or email, it is important to review it thoroughly for any errors in formatting or grammar. One can also examine if any further changes can be made to improve its readability and general appeal. Changes to font sizes, spacing, etc. can make a big difference to its visual appeal.

What To Avoid In A 2 Week Notice Letter

When composing and giving out a 2 week notice letter to the management, there are certain etiquettes to be followed. There are also a lot of things one must make sure are avoided when submitting them. Let’s take a look.

Avoid Negativity

Avoid badmouthing co-workers or writing negative things about them in your resignation letter. This leaves a negative impression on readers. It is best to thank all your colleagues and bosses when leaving, regardless of how you may truly feel on the inside. You are going to leave the organization pretty soon anyway, so it is best to go out leaving a positive impression.

Not Showing Concern For Current Assignments

The last thing a boss wants from an employee leaving the firm is for them to get casual. This happens to a lot of employees serving their notice periods. They feel they are leaving anyway, so what difference would it make for them to be focused at work? This will ruin your reputation in front of your bosses.

Rather, show a willingness to contribute to the company for however long you are present. Mention this in the email or letter you give out when resigning as well. It helps curb the damage a bit for the bosses. All in all, it is best to maintain the same drive and focus at work that you had before the notice period.

Not Being Willing To Help In Transition

When an employee departs, it is inevitable for there to be a bit of a gestation period for the replacement to settle down and learn the new role. It helps if the departing employee does his or her best to help the company prepare for their departure. This may even involve guiding the new employees and helping them adapt. It is always good to mention you are willing to help in transition on your 2 week notice letter.

2 Week Notice Template For Email

Subject: (Resignation Letter)
Dear (The first name of the manager),


First paragraph: Mention your intent to leave the company and your last working date. Also, show gratitude towards your management and co-workers. (3-4 sentences)

Second Paragraph: Show a willingness to help with the transition and current assignments. Send out positive wishes for the organization and its members. (1-2 sentences)

(Your Name)

2 Week Notice Example/ Sample For Email

Subject: Resignation Letter
Dear Mr.Collins

I would like to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as Marketing Executive at ABC Company. My final working date will be the 29th of this month, which is two weeks from now. I am immensely grateful for all the support and guidance I have received from you and my co-workers.

Please let me know if you need any assistance from my side in transitioning or with any of our current assignments. I would like to extend my best wishes to the organization and its members for the years that lie ahead.

Ralph Mortenson

2 Week Notice Letter Template (Hard Copy)

Some employees prefer to hand in their resignations in the form of a printed hard copy to their bosses. If you find this method convenient, follow the format below.

[Supervisor’s Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],


First Paragraph: Get to the point quickly, mentioning your intent to leave the firm and also specifying your last working date. Remember to also show some gratitude towards the management and your colleagues. (4-5 sentences)

Second Paragraph: State that you are committed to the company while you are still there. Show a willingness to help out with the transition phase. Give out positive wishes to the company while leaving.

[Your Name]
[Email ID]
[Contact Number]

2 Weeks Notice Example/ Sample For Letter

Crafting a 2-week notice letter requires a delicate balance of professionalism, gratitude, and clarity. It's an opportunity to express appreciation for the experiences gained while ensuring a smooth transition for both you and your employer. Here is a sample:

Christopher Richardson
XYZ Company
Kimberley Street, Block A, Near Westhampton Park, Miami, Florida

Dear Mr. Richardson,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as a Business Development Executive at XYZ Company. My last working day will be the 30th of this month, two weeks from now. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at XYZ Company, and I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences along with the trust and support provided by you and the entire team.

During my notice period, I am committed to completing my ongoing projects, assisting in the transition of my responsibilities, and providing any necessary support to ensure a seamless handover. Thank you once again for the opportunities I've had at XYZ Company. I wish the company and my colleagues continued success in the future.

Alfred Goldberg
Business Development Executive

What if Your Employer Provides a Counteroffer?

A counteroffer is when your current employer makes an offer to convince you to stay after you've submitted your resignation. This offer could include a salary raise, improved benefits, or a better position within the company.

The offer may be lucrative but, you need to consider the counteroffer in light of your reasons for resigning in the first place. Try to overlook the positives of the offer and ask yourself if the counteroffer addresses the issues that led to your decision to leave. Also, remember to evaluate the long-term benefits and whether they align with your career goals and aspirations.

If you decide to decline the counteroffer, do so respectfully and professionally. Express gratitude for the offer and reiterate your decision to leave. Make it clear that your decision is final and has been well-considered.

And if you're considering accepting the counteroffer, seek clarity on the terms and conditions. Discuss any concerns you have and ensure that the changes align with your career objectives. And don’t forget to get the offer in writing.


Q: Is two weeks' notice required?

Ans: Sometimes, an employee is bound by the employment contract to give 2 weeks' notice before resigning. Other than that, it is also taken for granted that you would give notice before resigning as a courtesy. Although 2 weeks is taken as the standard duration, some workplaces may also require a longer time than that. In some cases, you may not need to serve any notice period at all. Ultimately, it varies from workplace to workplace.

Q: What is a two-week notice?

Ans: It is a formal notice of your intention to resign that you provide to the employer in advance, typically two weeks before your intended last date of work.

Q: Does two weeks notice include the day you resign?

Ans: Yes, the date of your intended last day at work is an important element of the document. It is supposed to be two weeks after the date you hand in the notice letter.

Q: What happens if you don’t give two weeks notice?

Ans: There can be various repercussions for not giving two weeks' notice. It can lead to a damaged professional reputation and negatively impact your reference check. The company may also forfeit benefits or pay, and you may face a financial loss.

Q: Can I use sick time during my two weeks notice?

Ans: Generally, there is nothing wrong with using your sick time during your notice unless it gets in the way of you handing over your responsibilities properly. Taking a long leave would defeat the very purpose of giving notice if you are not available to make the transition smooth. However, it varies greatly from case to case. Whether you can use sick time during your notice period largely depends on your company’s policies, employment contract, and applicable labor laws.


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