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Dental Assistant Resume Template And Examples (Tips Included)

Discover what it takes to write a good dental assistant resume to elevate your career. Read our tips, examples, and templates to get a better idea.
By Synkdup Editorial Team  |  11 June 2024

Many individuals are passionate about medical science. However, a lot of them shy away due to the amount of education they require. The good news is that there are plenty of medical jobs that exist that do not require too much education. A dental assistant is one of them and offers great potential for growth and earnings too.

Just like with any job out there, a dental assistant will need a resume to find work in this field. The process of composing the perfect resume will vary greatly depending on multiple factors. It is important to familiarize yourself with them so you can progress in your career.

What Is A Dental Assistant?

They are certified oral healthcare professionals who are responsible for providing hands-on support to dentists. Apart from a good base of technical knowledge and understanding of dental concepts, they are also required to engage in tasks related to paperwork. Their responsibilities also include sterilizing and organizing dental tools.

Before Writing A Dental Assistant Resume…

You may have the necessary qualifications along with the hard and soft skills required to be a dental assistant, but they may not be enough if you do not know how to write an effective resume. Writing a good resume is all about following the right methodology. Here are a few other things to keep in mind before getting started.

Research Well

It is important to do your homework beforehand. Knowing the role and, if possible, the organization you are applying to helps massively. Go through the job description thoroughly before you begin, so you can better understand what the employer is looking for. Also, read through the mission, vision, and policies of the dental practice, which can generally be found on the website of the organization.

Plan Before You Write

A lot of candidates go about composing a dental resume without having a clear idea of what they are doing. This often leads to a poorly written resume, which they may have to re-write. Hence, it is best to strategize well before typing things out. It is important to make sure your dental assistant resume is well-tailored specifically for the position.

Get Consent Before Adding References

This may seem like a bit of an out-of-the-box suggestion, but it is still useful. A reference is typically a former boss or professor who is willing to vouch for you. Pick someone with whom you have a good bond. They should believe in your abilities and feel you are ready for the job market.

It is important to make sure you have their approval before recommending their names to recruiters or listing them on your resume. Otherwise, they may face inconveniences due to unexpected calls, which is not nice at all.

Although they may not be compulsory, having a few of them up your sleeve is very beneficial. However, it is important not to forcefully add them, as no references are better than listing out bad ones.

Choose The Right Type Of Resume

Resumes are of multiple types, and each has its own purpose. Generally, there are three types of resumes, which are: Reverse Chronological, Skill-based, and Combination/Hybrid. Knowing which type to go for largely depends on the stage you are at in your career in dentistry.

Reverse chronological resumes emphasize employment history and list the jobs you’ve held from most recent to oldest. Skill-based resumes focus on your competencies and what you can do. Hybrid/Combination resumes lie somewhere in the middle and showcase a bit of everything.

Reverse chronological resumes suit experienced candidates, as they have worked for many companies. Skill-based resumes are great for freshers and less experienced individuals, as they draw focus away from work experience, which these individuals lack. Hybrid/Combination resumes are best for mid-level job seekers who have a bit of everything and would like to draw attention to multiple areas.

Dental Assistant Resume Template

Templates are crucial when composing any document. Having information listed haphazardly on a resume is never a good sign. It can appear unprofessional while also making you seem unqualified and less serious about your job.

(Passport Size Photo [Optional])
(Your Name)
(Contact Number)
(Email ID)


Write in paragraph form about your goals and how they connect to the job you are applying for. (2-4 lines).

Skills: List out the skills you possess in bullet points.

  • Skill 1
  • Skill 2
  • Skill 3
  • Skill 4

Work Experience (If any):

(Job Title)

(Company Name)

(City, Country)

(Starting Date - Last Working Date)


(School Name)

(Qualification Obtained)


(Graduation Year)

(College Name)



(Graduation Year)

Additional Information:

List out any unique competencies or achievements. These skills include knowing a foreign language, having published poetry, running an online blog, volunteering, etc.




(Company Name)

(City, Country)

(Contact Number)

(Email ID)

(Description - 1 line)

Dental Assistant Resume Examples

Here is a hypothetical example to help you get a better understanding of these concepts.

Note that all the information used in these examples is imaginary. Any resemblance to a real person is purely coincidental and unintended.

For Freshers

Kiley Simpson

West Morgan Street, Miami, Florida, USA




I am a licensed dental assistant looking to kickstart my career. I have great aspirations in my profession and am looking for an organization that matches my goals. This will provide me with the ideal platform to grow and enhance my skill set. I also strongly believe in being a lifelong learner and in on-the-job learning.

  • Good Written and Spoken Communication
  • Knows how to perform Interoral procedures
  • Possessing an in-depth understanding of dental safety procedures
  • Capable of performing X-rays
  • Knows Infection Prevention procedures

Work Experience:

Dental Assistant Intern

Norton’s Dental Clinic

Miami, Florida, USA

(1st April, 2023 - 1st October, 2023)


St. Francis High School, Orlando, Florida


GPA: 3.3


Miami Dental College, Miami, Florida

Associate Of Applied Science in Dental Assisting (AAS)

GPA: 3.6


Additional Information:

  • Able to communicate in Spanish And English


Robert Darwin

College Professor

Miami Dental College

Miami, Florida



He was one of my teachers and graded many of my assignments.

For Experienced Candidates

Marcus Wood

Cunningham Street, Los Angeles, California, USA




A well-seasoned dental assistant with over 5 years of work experience. Skilled in dental supply and equipment management, along with other technical abilities needed to excel in this role. I have worked with well-reputed dentists in the region and know the job well. Also, have the people skills needed to deal with patients.


  • Billing and Patient Scheduling
  • Sterilization and Disinfection protocols
  • Knowledge Of Dental Procedures
  • Proficient With Dental Software
  • Know How To Use X-ray and Imaging
  • Able to handle complex medical histories
  • Understanding and compliance with official safety protocols.
  • Special Needs Patient Care
  • Inventory And Supply Management 


Work Experience:

Dental Assistant

Alpha Dental Clinic,

New York City, USA

(1st June, 2018 - 31st August, 2021)

Dental Assistant

Stewart’s Dental Clinic

Accron, Ohio, USA

(1st October, 2021 - 31st January, 2024)


St. Christopher High School, Cleveland, Ohio


GPA: 3.2 


Trinity Dental College, New York City

Associate Of Applied Science in Dental Assisting (AAS)

GPA: 3.7


Additional Information:

  • Written multiple academic articles in dental journals.


Edwin Goldberg


Alpha Dental Clinic

New York City, USA



I worked under him for a good period of time and have benefited immensely from his influence.

Damien King


Stewart’s Dental Clinic

Accron, Ohio, USA



He acted as a mentor for me, and we have a good working relationship.

Additional Tips For Writing A Good Dental Assistant Resume

When writing out a resume, it is important to know the practices and other details to keep in mind. Composing a resume may seem daunting to many aspiring for a career in dentistry, but with the right know-how, it is more than possible. 

Personal Details

It is vital to make sure you mention basic details about yourself in your resume. These include name, date of birth, age, nationality, address, contact number, etc. Having a small passport-size photo printed on it can be a good idea. Dental assistant resumes with photos of the candidate tend to have a better response rate than others. 

Formatting And Presentation

A lot of aspirants looking for a career in dentistry tend to overlook this aspect of writing a resume. Poor presentation and incorrect format are bound to make you seem unprofessional and less serious about the job. Hence, making sure you get this part right is crucial. 

When it comes to length, a resume should typically be 1-2 pages long for a fresher and 2-3 pages for an experienced candidate. Avoid going any further than 3 pages in any case. If you feel your resume is getting too long, write a cover letter and transfer some of the less important information over there. 

Another common error many beginners make when composing a dental assistant resume is not knowing when to use paragraphs and when to go for bullet points. The summary or objective section should be a short paragraph of about 3-4 lines, the skills section of the resume should be in bullet points, and the responsibilities and accomplishments for a job should be in bullet points.

Objective Vs Summary 

These typically come after the personal details of the candidate. A lot of laymen out there consider them the same. The terms are often used interchangeably, but there is indeed a distinction between them. Knowing how to use them appropriately is vital for applicants. 

The objective section is generally future-oriented and discusses what you aim to accomplish ahead and how you aspire to learn and grow. It is more suited to freshers as they have few past achievements in a professional setting to boast of. Their best way of impressing recruiters is by convincing them of what they can accomplish in the future. 

The summary section is more past-oriented and focuses on the previous accomplishments of an individual. It suits experienced candidates a lot more, as they have more experience and accomplishments to showcase to employers.

Skills Section Of A Resume

This section exhibits the main competencies of the candidates. It helps employers figure out what abilities they possess and what kinds of functions they can perform. A good practice for job seekers in dentistry is to go through the job description and see if you have any skills that directly match it. If yes, make sure you appropriately list them. 

The number of skills you list here will vary greatly based mainly on your experience. Entry-level applicants for this job title should typically have between 5-10 skills listed here, while experienced individuals can go for 10-15 skills

Avoid adding irrelevant skills that have no connection with dentistry. Also, make sure you mention technical skills relevant to the field, along with other abilities that may be pervasive in nature, like good communication or leadership. 

Be Honest

A lot of candidates exaggerate their abilities and, in some cases, flat-out lie on their resumes and cover letters. This is not a good practice to follow and should be avoided at all costs. If it goes wrong, it can greatly hinder your odds of being recruited and leave a bad impression. 

The hiring process has evolved greatly over the years, making it easier to detect and filter out individuals who lie on their resumes. Many times, candidates who are lying can be detected during the job interview phase itself.

Include Unpaid Work

Make sure you mention any internships, trainee posts, volunteering roles, etc. in your resume. This applies strongly to freshers as they tend to have less job experience, so adding these can help you fill up the document. If these roles helped you develop any new abilities, then that will act as a bonus. It can also help you get some references for your resume as well.


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