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Top 25 Unique Interview Questions To Ask Employer (Tips Included)

Learn about some unique interview questions to ask employers, along with tips and interview questions to avoid asking.
By Synkdup Editorial Team  |  18 April 2024
unique interview questions to ask employer

Picture this. You’ve got a big interview coming up. You go in fully prepared and have done your homework. You’re well dressed, knowing what to wear to an interview . You answer their questions well. After they’re done, they ask you follow-up questions, and you don’t know how to respond or what to ask! Don’t let this happen to you.

When it comes to job interviews, most individuals only worry about how to respond to questions from an interviewer. However, as the recruitment process has evolved, candidates can now follow up with their questions to the employers at the end of an interview. Yet many applicants neglect this aspect of an interview. Don’t be one of them!

Why Should You Ask Questions To An Employer?

One can judge the intellect of an individual well by the type of questions they ask. This concept applies well to job interviews. Yes, it is not mandatory to ask them, and if a candidate chooses, they can avoid it, but asking good follow-up interview questions helps your case greatly in many ways.

Shows Genuine Interest

A candidate who asks good questions at the end of the interview indicates they have high levels of interest in the job and the company. This is always a positive for any recruiter, as genuinely interested candidates tend to deliver much more output than ones merely in it for the money. Such applicants also tend to stay with companies longer.

Learn More About The Position

There are many crucial details about companies and roles that are often not mentioned in job descriptions. By using relevant and unique interview questions to ask employers, candidates can get clarification on uncertain elements.

They can better understand the kind of responsibilities demanded of them if they undertake the role. This can help them better determine whether or not they would be a good fit for the job. They can also better understand the ethos of the organization and how well they align with it.

Easier To Settle In If Hired

If the applicant receives answers to their queries and gets recruited, they will be better prepared to take on the role and settle into the company. If the candidate does not have any queries regarding the role or company, they may not know what to expect and take more time to get settled in.

Top Unique Interview Questions To Ask Employer

There are many good questions that candidates can ask employers based on a variety of interesting factors. These questions may have different advantages, which need to be weighed before being put forward to the recruiter.

1. How long have you been with the company?

Purpose: It helps one get a better idea of the job security in the company. A company that does not offer this may not be a great option long-term. A company showing good job security is a better option to help one advance in their career.

A good answer should include: Typically, if an interviewer has worked for 3 or more years, then that is a very healthy sign. If they respond within 1-2 years, this is still acceptable. However, anything less than one year is usually not a good sign from a senior recruiter.

2.Besides those listed in the job description, are there any other tasks you require this position to do?

Purpose: This question helps show your interest in the role to the interviewer. It even helps you better assess whether or not you are capable of taking on all the responsibilities that come with this role. The better you understand this, the easier it gets to adapt to the new job and excel in the role.

A good answer should include: The employer should help you understand what a typical day looks like when working in the concerned position. If they give you an idea of what kind of daily targets are expected of you, then this is also a good sign. Tasks that draw upon soft skills may be excluded from job descriptions. So if they mention some of those, then this is a positive.

3. What other departments does this position work with?

Purpose: You can better understand how you are going to function in your role after joining the company. Knowing who you are going to work with regularly beforehand can also help you settle in better with the firm. It gives you a general idea of how the company operates.

A good answer should include: The answer should be clear and to the point. They should mention the departments involved and, if they like, a few of the personnel appointed to them. This can help you get a better idea of what work is going to be like with the company.

4. How transparent is the company's leadership?

Purpose This helps you understand what management is like and how decisions are made in the organization. It even helps you figure out things about the company culture and how they deal with stress at the workplace.

A good answer should include: Ideally, the firm should possess a healthy degree of transparency, as this makes changes more easily accepted in the workplace. This also makes the process less stressful and creates greater trust between management and employees.

5. Where do you see the company headed in the next 10 years?

Purpose: A unique interview question to ask employers and help you understand the type of goals they set and how ambitious the company is. See how well this aligns with aspirations for the same timeframe. It can be a good indicator of whether you should join them or not.

A good answer should include: Their response needs to be reflective of the vision and mission of the organization. A company should set high but pragmatic goals and ensure its policies align with them. If their goals are compatible with yours, then this is a huge positive.

6. What is the company's view on flexible scheduling and remote work?

Purpose: An important question to put forward in the post-COVID era, as many alternative modes of work have emerged owing to it. There may be unexpected circumstances that arise when it may not be possible to work from the office regularly. Here, companies that are adaptable and have work-from-home or remote work options can be a benefit. It is always better to know these details beforehand.

A good answer should include: It is always better to look for a company that offers these options, as it gives you more flexibility as an employee. It is also an indicator of a company with a more positive and progressive work culture. This shows the organization is adaptable and willing to cooperate with individuals in their times of need.

7. How often are performance reviews completed?

Purpose: Knowing this will help you stay on your toes and keep you better prepared for the office if you do get recruited. It helps you better understand the work culture of the organization. This even helps employees adapt better to the new workplace and understand how strict the management is.

A good answer should include: The employer should mention whether they are held quarterly, annually, or whatever the time frame. Now, a good timeframe varies by individual and their ability to withstand pressure. Those who are workaholics and can manage high stress can cope with a quarterly performance review system, while those with a lower threshold will prefer them to be conducted less frequently.

8. How often are employees promoted?

Purpose: The intent behind this one is pretty straightforward, which is to determine an applicant’s scope for advancement if hired. Companies that promote internally are known for having better employee morale and more motivated workers. Also, firms that promote internally tend to train their staff better to improve the quality of personnel in higher positions. This is ideal for candidates with a growth mindset and a passion for learning.

A good answer should include: If the employee wants to stay in a company for years and grow with them, then yes would be a more appropriate answer. On the other hand, if an employee is just in it for the short term, and plans to leave and join a bigger company after a few years, then it really won’t matter much what response they receive. However, such a mindset should be avoided.

9. How would you describe a typical day or week for someone in this role?

Purpose: It helps the applicant understand what regular days and weeks in the company are going to be like. They can evaluate the type of work culture and mindset the management has. Individuals can better understand whether or not they are fit to take on the role and their chances of excelling on the job.

A good answer should include: The ideal response will vary by person, but a healthy office culture and workplace with low levels of toxicity are always good signs. The workload should not be excessive or beyond one’s capacity to function. This may lead to stress and can even lead to burnout in certain cases.

10. How would you describe your management style?

Purpose: A great way to learn how individuals in the company are monitored. This helps you understand how policies are formed and decisions are made in the company. You can also determine whether or not the management style complements your methods of working. Hence, it helps you determine whether or not you’d be a good fit for the company.

A good answer should include: There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to answering this question. One needs to introspect and discover what types of management styles suit them and complement their work methods. This helps them figure out if they can settle into the firm long-term. If the management style does not suit them, they should try to be adaptable, as one cannot get everything they want or look for other options.

11. What’s the most challenging aspect of the role?

Purpose: You should always scan for and be prepared for adversity in the role beforehand. Yes, circumstances may indeed arise that are beyond your control. However, one should still try to figure this out early to be better prepared when joining.

A good answer should include: A good response should include straightforward points that highlight common obstacles that may arise. If the employer tries to dodge the question or does not give you clear answers, then this may not be a good sign.

12. What are your biggest concerns about the department/team right now?

Purpose: This shows your genuine concern about the company and helping it progress. It helps one understand how departments operate within the firm. It also shows you have problem-solving intent, which is always a positive for any recruiter.

A good answer should include: Look for concise and direct answers, as these indicate more transparency. Seek out honest views and opinions from recruiters and, if possible, any advice on how you can make it better if you get hired.

13. How do performance reviews work here?

Purpose: Learning more about this can help you gear up better for the role if hired. Prior awareness of how performance reviews are conducted can help you better strategize and provide results. It also suggests to the recruiter that you are a hard-working employee.

A good answer should include: Obviously, it will be hard to explain exactly all the details, but a brief overview will certainly help. It should give you an idea of which tasks hold the greatest level of importance in their eyes. Paying attention to this can help you prioritize assignments better if you are hired.

14. What has been your best experience working here?

Purpose: It always helps to know the plus sides of any company or job. Maybe this company may offer some unique experiences or opportunities that your previous employers didn’t. There may be some unique work practices that appeal to you that you’ve not had before, and so on.

A good answer should include: There is no ideal answer for this. A good answer will depend on what the applicant prioritizes, but if they mention learning opportunities or anything in general that relates to growth and allows you to expand your skill set. Then there are good signs.

15. Have other people failed in this position, and why?

Purpose: A great sign of maturity is learning from the mistakes of others. Knowing what mistakes others have made in the past within the position can help us avoid their errors and improve our chances of success.

A good answer should include: Ideally, the recruiter should list out the common mistakes employees make in this role. They should give you a basic idea of why certain things do not work in the position. If they provide a few examples of instances in the past to help you understand, then even better.

16. How fast is the company growing?

Purpose: Being a part of a growing company is always great for one’s career. It offers more opportunities for learning and professional development. The job also tends to be more secure compared to when a firm is in decline, as organizations may prefer to shed excess weight from the workforce in these situations.

A good answer should include: If the company is stable and has steady growth, then this is the kind of firm one should be a part of. If they provide you with statistics or figures to support their argument, then that is a healthy sign and can help you ascertain the extent of their progress and whether you consider it satisfactory.

17. What are you looking for in an ideal employee?

Purpose: Usually, companies recruit employees that fit their ethos and policies. Hence, depending on how this question is answered, we can learn greatly about the organizational culture, values, and missions. They can better understand what is expected of them, which helps them better adapt and become so.

A good answer should include: They should mention some traits that they expect the employee to have, and applicants should assess to what extent they match these expectations. If they can sense a good degree of compatibility with what the company is looking for, this is a good indicator that the company is right for them. If not, they need to either look for another job or adapt to match the demands of the recruiter.

18. What Types of Skills Is the Team Missing That You Are Looking for in a New Hire?

Purpose: You can understand the current team dynamics and what kind of qualities the current members possess. It allows you to assess whether the skills you possess complement the team’s abilities. Depending on this, you can better decide how you will blend into the group if you decide to go through with the position.

A good answer should include: Look for a response that mentions some important hard and soft skills relevant to the role. The recruiter may also mention skills that they expect you to develop, either through the training they offer or through on-the-job learning.

19. Do You Expect the Responsibilities of This Role to Change in the Near Future?

Purpose: Many companies have situations where roles within the organization need to be modified. This can be due to a variety of circumstances. If the role is likely to evolve, then additional training may be required to learn new skills.

A good answer should include: Ideally, this should be treated as a closed-ended question with a yes or no answer. If they answer yes, then a bit of further explanation may be required. If they give examples of how other positions in the company have evolved with time, that can be a good way to get an idea.

20. What are your company values, and how do they impact the work here?

Purpose: This is a crucial aspect of working at any organization. Getting an idea of their values and other general practices helps the candidate settle in better if they get hired. It also helps them assess if or not the company is a good fit for them.

A good answer should include: The recruiter should mention information relating to the company’s vision, missions, and policies. This should help you get a general overview of the organizational culture and how work practices are implemented in the firm.

21. How Long Does the Average Person Stay with the Company?

Purpose: A great question to ask for a candidate looking for stability in their career. It can help determine the job security and HR policies followed by the company. Continuity is an important factor in team-building within a company. Keeping a group of competent people working well together for long periods builds synergy in the organization.

A good answer should include: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average amount of time a worker stays with a company is around 4 years. This can act as an effective benchmark. Companies where workers stay around 1-2 years indicate that they are viewed as short-term options and stepping stones to bigger firms. One should aspire for continuity in their professional lives.

22. How Does Senior Management Interact with the Person in This Position?

Purpose: Knowing the systems for interaction with management along with the communication styles in the workplace can be of great benefit. Understanding how to get information across to management and vice versa is crucial. This can make things easier for the bosses at work.

A good answer should include: Giving out information like how often individuals in the position interact with the management or the names of personnel you will have to talk to are all helpful. They could also mention online channels of interaction like email or Skype.

23. What Do You Like Best About Your Job?

Purpose: This is a good way to learn about any potential hidden perks that you may not be aware of just yet. Sometimes it may just be the good atmosphere or work culture practiced by the company. The way they support workers in tough phases, the location, and so on.

A good answer should include: Unique interview questions to ask employers like this one will help you understand what you have to gain and the kind of work practices you can expect in the company. It even gives you an idea of what employee morale is like at present in the firm.

24. What opportunities are there for mentorship or reverse mentoring within the company?

Purpose: Good mentors can accelerate the growth and progress of an employee in their career. These kinds of unique interview questions to ask employers are perfect for candidates with a growth mindset. It also indicates to the employer that you are truly interested in developing and contributing to the workplace.

A good answer should include: If they affirm that such opportunities do exist, it is a huge plus. Some interviewers will go into detail and describe how the organization implements mentorship and reverse mentorship. The applicant can analyze whether it suits them or how they are going to adapt.

25. In what ways does the company contribute to the local community or social causes?

Purpose: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an emerging concept in business and has shown positive results for both communities and the growth of businesses. This is a unique interview question to ask employers, as not many individuals think about it. Nevertheless, it is still a good one. It indicates to the recruiter that you are a bit community-minded and view the organization holistically.

A good answer should include: In modern times, nearly all companies look towards this aspect of business, so one should be able to get a good response on how the organization implements these programs. Their response may include the kind of communities targeted and the exact way in which assistance is provided.

Interview Questions To Avoid Asking The Employer

Some argue that knowing what to do is less important than knowing what not to do. This can certainly apply when it comes to composing unique interview questions to ask employers. Putting forth irrelevant questions to the employer should be avoided.

Avoid asking questions that are too self-centered or show an unprofessional attitude. Interview questions about taking vacations, breaks, or paid time off are best avoided. Inquiring about these before having contributed to the company can give a negative impression. Inquire about these in the latter stages if you have to. Do not ask questions about the company that can be answered through basic research of your own, as this shows a lack of interest.

Here are some examples of interview questions to avoid asking employers.

  1. How much paid time off am I allowed?
  2. What does your organization do?
  3. Does the company monitor my use of the internet or email?
  4. What does the job entail?
  5. When can I expect to receive a promotion or raise?
  6. Are you going to verify my references?
  7. Does the company perform background checks?
  8. Do you like the management?
  9. What are the negatives about working here?
  10. Will you be checking my social media accounts?

Tips To Come Up With Unique Interview Questions To Ask Employer

If the above list of questions is not enough and you want to compose queries of your own, we’ve got you covered. Coming up with your own questions is not that hard, provided you know how to go about it and are sensible about it. Let’s dive into it.

Be Authentic

It is important to always be yourself and avoid trying to showcase a different persona. Display a genuine interest in the company and the position. Ask about things that align with your goals and that you feel can help you grow and mature.

Be Formal

It helps to make sure one does not get too casual during an interview and maintains a certain degree of formality. Make sure your questions are professional and do not go off track. Remember to follow proper interview etiquette too.

Active Listening

Applicants should pay close attention to detail and keep their ears alert during interviews. There may be a lot of important information one can grasp and follow up on after the interview. If we do not practice effective listening, it will hinder our growth and development.

Be Mostly Future-Oriented

Focus on what can be done moving forward when composing your queries. This shows the interviewer you are forward-thinking. Ask questions related to growth, goals, and ambitions, along with how they expect your position to fit in with their vision. There are good questions related to the past that can be asked, but most of them should emphasize the future.


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