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15 Signs You Will Get The Job After Interview

You can't stop obsessing over whether or not you are getting that dream job. Let us help you out with our tips on figuring out if you’re getting hired.
By Synkdup Editorial Team  |  15 May 2024
Signs You Will Get the Job After Interview

Looking for a job can be both exciting and stressful. It all depends on your current scenario and your mindset. You need to do your research and apply for jobs that suit your skills and requirements. Additionally, preparing for interviews involves considerations such as what to wear during an interview and creating an effective resume, adding another layer to the process.

As a job seeker, you can’t wait to know if you’re getting hired or not, especially when you’ve given a few interviews already. Despite all this, the suspense simply does not seem to go away, and you’ve decided you can’t take it anymore. You just have to know (or at least get an idea)!

Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we discuss indicators that show you are on the right path to getting that dream job of yours. It may now merely be a case of accepting the job offer.

Signs You Will Receive Job Offer

Here, we list some green flags that show you have a very good chance of getting hired. Keep in mind that these are suggestions because, of course, we cannot predict the future. If you see a lot of these signs occur in the hiring process, your chances are certainly going to be good.

1. The Discussion Begins To Grow Casual

Usually, recruiters have multiple candidates to interview, so most of their conversations are formal in tone and their questions are focused on work-related matters. If you see the tone drifting into a more casual type, this is a good indication they are satisfied with the work-related part.

Now they probably want to see how you will fit into the workplace and also want to know you personally. Also, in most cases, recruiters do not have time to ask these questions to everyone, so if they ask you this, it suggests they feel more invested in you.

In short, an interview that becomes more conversational rather than the typical robotic question-and-answer type reflects better on the probability of you getting hired and landing that dream job.

2. Salary Expectations (Towards End Or In The Middle)

This is a mixed one. If they ask you this at the beginning, before the task-related queries, then it may not be such a huge indicator. After all, why would an interviewer be serious about a candidate without knowing their competency?

But if it comes in the middle or towards the end, after they’ve determined whether or not you are qualified, then the chances are a bit better. Normally, in such a case, employers ask for salary expectations only if they are interested in the candidate.

3. They Ask About Availability

Normally, if a candidate is not a good fit for the firm, there is not much sense in asking such questions. Typically, an employer only asks such questions if they see potential in working with you.

They may ask you about your schedule or have questions like whether or not you are currently serving a notice period, and so on. A question like “When can you start or join us?” is also an indicator that you may be onto a big opportunity. Make sure you give them details about a notice period if there are any.

4. Positive Body Language

It is a good sign if they show a lot of interest and are attentive to your words. Another sign could be that they maintain good eye contact and smile a bit now and then. However, if the interview is by phone or some other method, it may be hard or not possible to observe such cues.

In general, if you feel warm and welcome and the vibe of the interview is good, your chances are going to be better. So always pay attention to their body language and also to yours, so you can do well in the interview.

5. They Tell You The Benefits

If an employer reaches this phase, then they have gone from examining your abilities to trying to get you to buy into the company. This stage is normally indicative that the employer is trying to get you to pick them ahead of other companies.

This indicates they see a future with you in the organization. It is no longer just about what you can do for the company but also what the company can provide you in return for all your effort and commitment.

6. Longer Interview

If you’ve been waiting in line for an interview and notice you are having a longer interview than others, it is not because the interviewer wasted time in any way either, then your chances should be good.

Recruiters are going to have many clients to interview, so they normally avoid taking too much time. Hence, if they are giving a few candidates more time, then they could have a better opportunity at being recruited.

7. References Are Contacted By The Recruiter

Hiring managers are usually very busy and don’t make unnecessary calls. Also, contacting references is usually part of the latter stages of the hiring process. If you’ve made it here, you are very close to securing that job. No one is going to waste their time going through this step unless they feel you are a serious option for the role.

8. Business Cards Or Contact Information

Employers come across job seekers all the time, and the last thing they want is a candidate they’re not interested in calling now and then. Hence, they are going to be very selective with whom they choose to hand out this information.

Also, remember not to give out their contact information to anyone else unnecessarily. One should also ensure they do not bug the recruiter too much after receiving their contact details, as this may turn them away.

9. Follow-Up Questions

Some candidates begin to panic the minute they get follow-up questions. They feel things going off-script is a bad thing, but on the contrary, it suggests interest from the recruiter. It also prevents the interview from becoming more robotic and boring.

Follow-up questions help keep the interview lively and make it feel more conversational, preventing it from becoming more like a boring Q&A session. Typically, a follow-up question suggests you may be standing out from the crowd.

10. They Discuss The Next Stages With You

This is a bit of an obvious hint that shows you are a strong contender for the vacancy. There’s no point in bringing up these things if the job seeker in question does not stand out or prove himself to the hiring manager.

If a candidate is not impressive during the interview, the recruiter is more likely to thank them and move on to the next candidate rather than wasting more time explaining the next step, which they likely won’t reach.

11. The Recruiter Wants To Know Your Impressions

If they ask questions like, “What do you think of the company?” or “Do you like the role?" they now want to win you over and convince you to buy into the organization. They want to get an idea of whether their interest is being reciprocated. These questions may also be asked to figure out how you will fit into the firm and blend in with the team.

12. You Get Shown Around

This is a very strong indicator that you’re almost there. There’s almost no way an employer would even bother going through this if they don’t see potential in you. So if you get a short tour of the office and get to meet a few workers and staff, you could be receiving the offer letter very soon.

13. They Say “When” In Place Of “If”

They could say “If you join...” but instead they go for “When you join…”. This suggests they have already begun envisioning you performing the role for the company. The offer letter is likely going to be sent, and they want to start planning. They may also start briefing you about office practices and what is expected of you in your role.

14. They Give You Extra Details

Companies tend to mention things like job descriptions and other things online. But if during the interview they begin to touch up on this and give you more information, especially things that were not mentioned online, then it suggests they feel more invested in you. This type of briefing is usually given only to the more serious contenders during recruitment.

15. Questions About Where Else You’ve Applied

This is another question normally asked of those whom the company is serious about hiring. They may be sizing themselves up against the competition and analyzing their chances of recruiting you ahead of them.

So be alert for questions asking about other places you’ve been interviewed. How much salary are the other companies offering? Are you interested in any other firms, or have other companies shown interest in you? These are all green flags.

Bonus: Interview Follow-Up

Now that you know what to look out for during the interview, let's also understand what to do afterward. Following up on the right note is important if the need arises. We offer you some tips to help you out.

When To Follow Up After Interview

It is important to give the employer enough time to judge and make the decision. Do not begin pestering the recruiter just the next day after the interview, or worse, the same day after getting home!

This can also be annoying for the hiring company. Wait at least 2–3 days before contacting them again. It can also indicate to the employer that you are a bit desperate for a job. They may offer you a lower salary later on if they sense this and things go that far.


An interview follow-up is when a candidate gets in touch and asks about their application after the interview. A lot of people go by the assumption that the recruiter will contact them after the interview. This is not always true, and in fact, many recruiters do not even bother to call the candidates if they’ve been rejected.

By contacting them, you show greater interest in the company, which can be positive. Also, the worst that can happen is that they say you have been rejected. By knowing that, you can at least move forward and begin looking for fresh opportunities.

What To Say

Firstly, it is important to introduce yourself clearly to make sure they know who you are. This is because there are several people recruiters interact with, so it is hard for them to remember each one. The last thing you need is for them to confuse you with someone else.

You can also mention something you told them in the interview so they can remember and know to associate it with you. Also, show gratitude for the opportunity and tell them how good the experience was for you.

What To Avoid

It is just as important to know what to avoid as it is to know what to do. Doing the wrong thing when following up can act as a red flag for recruiters when it comes to hiring. It is important to follow proper etiquette and keep things formal.

Don’t just call directly and ask if you’ve been hired. Instead, use a few icebreakers and say good things about the organization before getting down to business. Avoid making too many or unnecessary complaints about the application process.

Do not ask about other candidates or their interviews. Do not try and do any extra pleading to get you hired. Rely on your interview skills to get that done for you.

Email Or Call

Both are good options when following up after an interview. Which option you pick should depend on various factors. For instance, if you communicate better by writing, choose email, while if your spoken communication is better, opt for a call.

The best thing to do is use the same method that was used to schedule the interview. If an interview was scheduled by phone, follow up by calling, and likewise for emails. In either case, keep the conversation short and formal.


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