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What You Must Know Before Becoming An Amazon Product Tester

Being an Amazon product tester is a cool job that has its perks. Know all about it along with tips, salaries, and benefits, among other crucial details.
By Synkdup Editorial Team  |  2 April 2024
Amazon Product Tester

Amazon is one of the most popular brands on the planet. It is a global e-commerce giant that offers great service and employment opportunities. One can collaborate with the company in many ways, all from the comfort of their home. One such role is that of an Amazon product tester, which can be a great source of passive income.

What Is An Amazon Product Tester?

It is an occupation that allows you to check out many items. The company expects you to give out genuine reviews for the goods you receive and provide constructive feedback. Sometimes, you may have to provide additional feedback on the shipping process, packing, customer experience, etc.

It is a good fit for individuals who are open to trying out new experiences. Candidates also need to be good written and spoken communicators. Possessing knowledge of communication styles in the workplace helps. Your efforts can help improve product development and the customer experience in the future.

Benefits Of Being An Amazon Product Tester

Amazon Product Testers have several perks, which add to the appeal of the position. It is not a bad way at all to kickstart your career and begin earning. Roles like these are valuable for the organization’s growth.

Does Not Require Formal Education

is a good option for individuals who still need to complete their schooling or have educational qualifications. If you can prove you are good enough to perform the job, you have every chance of getting it. You mainly need a device to operate online and access to the internet.

Work From Home Options Available

One need not commute to an office to perform this role. This saves time, money, and effort, which can be directed towards other areas. Work can be done from the comfort of your home, which also allows you to spend more time with your family.


While working full-time in this role is possible, many choose to pursue it as a side hustle. For instance, it is a great way for teens to earn some extra cash or other benefits on the side while pursuing their studies. They make amazing side hustles for college students too. Anyone needing an extra source of income but not a full-time job can try their hand at it, provided they have the skills needed.

Free Or Heavily Discounted Items

By being a part of various testing programs, one can access a wide array of items for free or at discounted rates. You must test and evaluate them. Your feedback is crucial to improving the products and the overall experience of the brand. It is great, as you can try out things you like without having to pay much or anything upfront. It also helps you feel valued, as your input helps bring about improvements.

How To Become An Amazon Product Tester?

Most occupations have a generalized path that must be followed to have a career. They typically have limited flexibility in their methods of pursuing them. However, the road to being part of this job is different. There are multiple different ways you can acquire this role and reap the benefits.

Amazon Vine

It is an invite-only program by the company that is exclusive. Reviewers are chosen by the firm to provide their services as ‘Vine Voices’. These individuals are allowed to order goods for free and must provide their views about them on the website. This includes new items and pre-releases.

Their reviews have “Vine Customer Review Of Free Product” or “Vine Voice” special badges. If they like your reviews, the company will continue working with you. This method does not pay you in cash for services.

To become an Amazon product tester through Amazon Vine, one must provide well-detailed reviews of their purchases. By doing so, they need to build a reputation among the website’s customers as reliable reviewers. Once you’ve posted enough reviews, the website will notice and send you an invitation to the Amazon Vine Program.

Amazon Reviewer Websites

Online platforms like Vipon and Rebaid allow people to publish reviews in return for free and discounted items. They are popular review websites for goods sold by the company that allow sellers to gather feedback before making them available for sale on the website.

However, Rebaid and Vipon are not monitored by Amazon, making them more vulnerable to fraud. Hence, candidates need to go through website policies before joining them. Snagshout and Jump Send are also reputed websites in a similar niche.

Amazon Associates

It is their official affiliate program, which allows members to earn money by referring customers to purchase items online. The company is the largest E-Commerce platform in the United States and has millions of listed items for sale.

Content creators or bloggers can sign up to make some easy passive income. The program can accept candidates with apps, websites, or high social media followers. One does not need to buy goods from the website to be part of this program.


If an individual has a large number of followers online, they can leverage them to help boost their earnings. They can become Amazon product testers and recommend goods to your audience. One can do so by either joining the Amazon Influencer Program or becoming a social media influencer.

The Amazon Influencer Program appears similar to the Amazon Associates Program. However, the former offers extra benefits, like a personalized online store and access to in-depth marketing tools. The customized storefront makes it easier for followers to browse through curated lists of suggested items.

Social media influencers, on the other hand, can test items and share their authentic opinions on them directly through the platform. If you have a large audience to promote, brands will likely pay you to endorse their products online. There are various influencer networks one can join, like YouTube BrandConnect and Upfluence, to discover campaigns by brands that align with their niche.

Amazon Product Tester Salary

The company usually does not directly pay them. The firm typically offers free or highly discounted items. These can be flipped online to make a few extra bucks. The best way for them to make money is through endorsements with independent firms.

Their earnings can range from hundreds of dollars monthly to six figures a year. The majority of the best-paid individuals in this position tend to have a high social media following or email subscriber list, which they can leverage. They do not have fixed salaries like other position, such as delivery drivers.

Tips For An Amazon Product Tester

Working in this role is a dream for many but a reality for only a few. It may seem daunting to many to work with a big brand like this. However, it is more than achievable with the right mindset and proper courses of action. Here are a few useful tips you can check out.

Honesty Is The Best Policy

The biggest mistake you can make is playing kiss-up. The company does not want that either. Reviewers need to be objective and unbiased with their opinions. It is important to be honest in your reviews. Make them comprehensive while including all the crucial details.

If you try to give only positive and sugar-coated opinions, then there are better strategies for the long term. People and companies can see through that. If a good is faulty but you praise it and it goes into the market, the results will be disastrous for the business. Hence, it is best to be upfront with constructive criticism, if any.

Quantity Or Quality

This is an important area where a lot of aspirants need to improve. Should you post more reviews, but shorter and simpler, or a few, but with more quality and better detail? Well, one needs the right balance. There needs to be adequate amounts of both quality and quantity for you to succeed and make it.

One needs to post a high number of reviews and make sure they are detailed, honest, and beneficial to the readers. This is the best way to build a solid reputation and establish credibility for your craft.

Updated And Professional Profile

Sellers usually go through profiles before selecting a tester. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that your profile is complete and updated. It helps to include personal details and interests while also keeping it professional. Avoid leaving it incomplete or filled with irrelevant information. The first impression is important, and that certainly applies here.

Interact With The Community

It is important to make sure you are actively engaged with the website in general. Interacting with brands, sellers, and fellow reviewers on the website’s dashboards and social media platforms. This shows more dedication on your part and can lead to better opportunities opening up in the future.

Optimize Keywords

Making use of relevant keywords is a useful trick for helping you progress in this role. Sellers often look out for specific patterns in reviews, so incorporating these keywords strategically can help improve your odds of being hired. It helps if the keywords are relevant to the items and their niche.


The most important aspect is to stay active and keep at it. If you remain engaged with the platform consistently, it will boost your visibility. It also indicates that you are committed to it. Show a bit of persistence too, as it won’t happen overnight and will take a bit of time. However, it is more than attainable for individuals who are driven.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is being an Amazon product tester legit?

Yes, it is a legitimate role that can both act as a side hustle and even a full-time role, depending on how well you perform and how committed you are. There are a few other benefits associated with the position.

2. How to test products for Amazon?

It is important to know the right practices to follow while performing this role. The key is to be objective and honest in your reviews. Companies are not interested in biased reviews. They want feedback that is constructive and can help with product development.

3. How to become an Amazon product tester from home?

The job is typically a work-from-home role. Usually, candidates do not need to go to an office regularly. One needs to be a part of an Amazon Product Tester program. The requirements for each are variable.

4. How to apply to be an Amazon product tester?

There are multiple avenues to becoming an Amazon product tester. The application process varies by program. Some of them are also invite-only based on your track record. A few require you to sign up online too. Finally, it is important to go through policies before joining any of them.

5. How to get paid to test Amazon products?

The best way to be paid to test the company’s goods is to be an influencer or be part of the Amazon Associates program. These pay you directly, while others do not pay you but merely offer free items. You can consider flipping these if you are interested.


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