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5 Proven Strategies to Make Money Online in 2024

Explore five tried-and-true strategies, methods, and expert tips to enhance your online income.
By Synkdup Editorial Team  |  10 January 2024

The internet has opened up endless possibilities for earning an income from the comfort of your own home. No longer are you limited to traditional 9-5 jobs, now you can create your own schedule and bring in a steady stream of cash through the power of the internet.

Whether you're a stay-at-home parent, a student, or simply looking for a side hustle, the opportunities to make money online are endless. With a little creativity and determination, you can turn your passions into profit. From selling products on e-commerce platforms to freelance writing and virtual tutoring, the options are varied.

The beauty of making money online is that it can be done from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Whether you're on a beach in Thailand or a coffee shop in New York, you can tap into the online economy and bring in a steady stream of income.

In this article, I am going to tell you about 5 such methods that will help you to start earning from the internet today!

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing allows you to utilize your social media network to make money. You promote a brand on your social media accounts and get a commission every time it gets business through you.

All you need in addition to a sizable online following is a niche. A niche is anything you can speak about with some kind of authority, be it based on professional expertise, personal experience, or personal interest.

How to Make Money Online using Affiliate Marketing

As long as there are products and services related to it, your niche could be anything from skincare, travel, food, and fashion, to technology.

Consider you post frequently about something, say, football, on your Instagram. Chances are, you have gathered a niche following of football enthusiasts on your Instagram profile. Affiliate marketing is based on the assumption that these followers are more likely to take your word about how good a brand of football shoes is than a random person promoting the brand.

  • The first step is to find an affiliate program related to your particular niche. A simple Google search would do just fine.
  • After you have found an affiliate program, the next step is to approach them with your marketing offer.
  • Once you get enrolled in the program, you will start receiving unique web links which, when clicked, take the user to a web page where they are prompted to make a purchase. The link contains a tracking id through which the purchase can be traced back to you.
  • To start earning, you need to promote the product/service of the company through your posts and attach the links with them hoping people click and take the specified action like making a purchase or taking a subscription.
  • Whenever someone takes the specified action, you get a part of the profit as your commission.

Most affiliate programs out there pay between 4%-40% of the sale, though with an Amazon affiliate program, you could get as much as 50%. A lot of programs also offer flat rates.

2. Online Recruitment Marketing

Human resource is the ultimate resource for any corporation and today, there are numerous organizations out there devoted to helping companies find the right employees. As such, recruitment marketing, or simply marketing job openings, is a great way to earn money online today.

The Synkdup headhunter program is an innovative recruitment marketing program where you can earn handsome payouts on a commission-based model and make money online without breaking a sweat.

Here is how.

  • Once you sign up for the program you become you acquire the title of a Headhunter along with a signup bonus of $10.
  • You get a personalized dashboard for yourself where you receive web links to fresh job openings all over the U.S.A.
  • All you need to do is share these links on your social media for a commission of up to $25-$50 on every genuine applicant who applies to a job through your link.

Synkdup Headhunters are reported to make up to $100 daily by just sharing links to job vacancies online.

What makes it better than other recruitment marketing programs?

  • You have no minimum work requirements or deadlines - you work when and how much you want.
  • You are not expected to perform any other recruitment functions except simply giving wide visibility to the job openings through your social media reach.
  • You get your commission regardless of whether the applicant gets a job or not.
  • It is highly scalable through referrals. If you get 5 people to sign up to be a headhunter in a month, you get double the amount of your dues for the month. What is really cool about the program is that you are making money online by helping others get a job rather than pushing them to buy something as you do with affiliate marketing programs. You actually feel good about yourself for helping out your community.

Speaking of affiliate marketing, the payment model of the program is very similar to affiliate marketing but, here are some notable differences:

  • A headhunter doesn’t need a specific niche as job seekers can be found across niches.
  • A headhunter doesn’t need to promote the offering like an affiliate as the offering doesn’t involve the user paying money- on the contrary, it involves giving the user an opportunity to earn money.
  • Affiliates are required by the law to explicitly state that they are being paid for promoting the products/services they are promoting while there is no such requirement for Headhunters
  • Many people are hesitant to use their social media for affiliate marketing as they are afraid it would hurt their online image by making them look like a salesman trying to sell to friends. Whereas, headhunting has the exact opposite effect by putting you across as a Samaritan.

So, if you are looking to make money online while engaged in a noble pursuit, The Synkdup Headhunter program is for you!

3. Drop Shipping

Are you someone who wants to exploit the boom of e-commerce and wants to try selling online but cannot bear the costs of storing inventory and delivering products? If yes, Drop Shipping is a Godsend for you!

A drop shipper is a wholesaler or supplier who provides you (an online seller) order fulfillment services of holding inventory and shipping out orders to customers, reducing your capital requirement to start an online selling venture.

The basic steps involved in drop shipping are:

  • First, you need to enter into an agreement with a supplier of products you want to sell online.
  • Then, you got to promote the products on your online marketplace. You can use your social media accounts as an online marketplace or have a website made specifically for the purpose.
  • When someone places an order, you send them an order confirmation and then send the order to the supplier to fulfill.
  • The supplier delivers the order directly to the customer.

In this way, you not only save up on warehousing and transportation costs but also can focus more on other operations of your business. And in case your products don’t sell, the loss incurred would be significantly lower than what it would be with other methods of selling as you didn’t invest as much in the first place.

Want to make beer money online without spending any money? And without spending much time too? Paid online surveys might be just what you need!

With paid online surveys, you earn online by participating in surveys for general market research or customer behavior research for different companies. The data generated through the survey forms you fill is very valuable for corporations, especially in the FMCG sector, as they use it to create and alter their products/services according to market demand.

There are many websites that offer money to participate in surveys, most of which you can finish over a cup of coffee or commuting somewhere.

Here are my top three picks for such websites:

  • Branded Surveys: It is one of the most trusted and widely used paid online survey websites out there, providing market research services to Fortune 500 companies. On average you can make half a dollar per survey, though it can go up to $5 per survey. They also give you the option of referring friends and getting a fraction of all their earnings. They also pay promptly and the website is very user-friendly too.
  • Swagbucks: They pay around $1 for a survey that takes you about 20 minutes to finish. In addition to taking surveys, you also get points for playing video games, searching the internet, and watching videos, which you can redeem for cash or gift cards.
  • Toluna: They put out a whole lot of surveys every day which you can very easily take daily, without any hassle. You get your own dashboard that helps you keep a record of your daily activities on the website including your accumulated points. They pay in cash via PayPal, Amazon, and high-street vouchers.

5. Try E-mail Marketing

Are you someone who has a knack for stringing words together and is looking to monetize it but isn’t interested in writing long-format pieces like articles? Don’t worry, you can still make money writing without having to go through the battle of writing a blog through e-mail marketing.

Email marketing is supposed to have the highest conversion rate of all the internet marketing channels out there. When done right, you can easily make more money through it than you can with other forms of commercial writing.

There are two main ways to make money online with e-mail marketing

  • Selling your own products or services: If you have got something to sell of your own, from an ebook to a babysitting service, you can utilize your own email list to promote your stuff. You can also use your personal email list to invite people to promotional events for your stuff. This is the most basic form of email marketing.
  • Email marketing for others: If writing skills are all you got, you can monetize them by promoting others’ products and services. The most simple way to do this is through a commission-based model where you write emails to leads and get a portion of the sale for every conversion.

Here are some quick and easy tips for email marketing

  • Have a crisp and catchy headline that covers the intent of the email at the same time. The headline is the most important part of an email as it makes the first impression on the user and determines whether the user opens it, ignores it, or puts it in the spam.
  • Imagine you are talking to the reader in person and make a choice of words accordingly. Avoid run-on sentences as they take effort to read and understand.
  • Use first-person speech and address the recipient with their name to create a personal connection with them.
  • Try to create a sense of urgency or scarcity by using words like ‘’limited offer’’ or ‘’only two left in stock’’
  • Consciously choose the design and template of your email and pay special attention to your call-to-action buttons. Include attractive and engaging graphics without going overboard and making the email look unprofessional.
  • As a general rule, focus your email on a single call to action. However, in certain cases, especially with recipients who are already your customers, methods like cross-selling and up-selling may also work. The former is basically trying to convince the recipient to buy a related product/service in the same email while the latter involves offering premium or better versions of the same product.
  • If you don’t get a response within two-three days, always assume the recipient just forgot to respond and send a follow-up email.

Following these simple practices, you can make good money online with only a very basic sense of promotional writing.

Final Word

Making money online is an alluring prospect with many benefits like financial independence and remote work. However, online earning is not some get-rich-quick scheme that doesn’t take hard work. The 5 enlisted methods can surely make you good money in time but you need to be patient and be consistent in your efforts.

If you like the overall concept of a method listed above, but aren’t compatible with a particular aspect of it, you should try checking out other related methods. For instance, you could check out other ways of selling online in addition to drop shipping or try out other ways of content marketing in addition to e-mail marketing.

Hope you found my list useful and best of luck with your journey of making money online.


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