Share Jobs the Right Way and Earn up to $3000 per Week!

Jacob became a Headhunter in his second year of college. And he went from splitting the bill for a KFC bucket to owning a food truck in a year! How did he do that? Just by sharing jobs with his community.
But he must know a secret, right? Otherwise, every Headhunter would be a Jacob.
Exactly! Jacob is spilling some beans so, pay Attention.
“When you go about sharing jobs as a Headhunter, there’re usually only a couple of basic things you consider. But, if you want to amp it up a notch or two here are some tips that might be of help…
Don’t restrict yourself to only WhatsApp, use as many social media platforms as possible to spread the word. Instagram, Reddit, Next Door, Telegram, and even Snapchat can be of great help.
Print flyers and print them often! This is where most Headhunters get lazy. You'll see some beautiful digital fliers on the Bountys page on your dashboard. They’re not there to tease you but for you to go canvassing in your neighborhood. You won't believe the number of job applications coming through those flyers!
The pro trick to getting as many successful applications as possible is to customize your flyers with your picture and contact information. Those who are interested will contact you and you can in turn assist them with the application process. By doing this you make sure that every application through you qualifies as genuine and that you get paid the moment someone applies for the job
Go on a distribution spree! Pick some local grocery stores and visit them at their rush hours. Be creative and get people to take those flyers home. I used to take my Grandad’s bullhorn and start hollering ‘groceries for money, jobs for free!’. People flocked up, some even laughed, some raised a brow…and a lot of them took the flyers.
You might even have to sit through some sermons because your local Church is the best place to meet people looking for opportunities. My Mom was of great help with this, she already had a network of people she could go to, they’d take those flyers and distribute them within their network, and boy did that work! Church applications are one of my steady sources of income now.
The Church thing made me realize how important networking is, so I opened a makeshift office in my basement. I started doing some old-school advertising with a couple of friends and they really got it going in the community. I instantly became the person people came to if they wanted a job, I even helped them with their applications for sure-shot payouts. This made me connect with people I didn’t know before and those have been the ones helping me increase my network ever since.
And did I mention colleges? I myself got to know about the program through somebody at my college. Local universities and community colleges are your spots if you want to find people that are up for earning a quick buck. Get those flyers going and help your contacts fill out those applications. Anything concerning money spreads like wildfire in colleges. You’d be sitting back and doing the math as payouts come soaring in once the word gets around”.
So, that was Jacob’s story who is now inspiring other Headhunters to join the movement and spread quality job openings across America. You too can feature in one of our stories by just repeating what Jacob did. To give it a structure, here are some pointers you should consider to bring in successful applications that pay:
Make the most out of Social Media: if you want to make the most of your apps on your smartphone, why not use them as a tool to reach folks in your community? Instead of getting installed to only eat up your phone’s storage space, you can use applications like Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram, Reddit, and NextDoor to send out Job Openings from top American companies like Amazon, Advent Health, Starbucks, Uber, etc to your near and dear ones and earn up to $100 on each successful application.
Create and join Facebook groups and post job links on related pages. Mention relevant information so that the people viewing your posts can contact you in case they need assistance with the application process. Help them with their queries so that everybody easily fills out the application form and you earn payouts on every successful application.
You can even create catchy Instagram stories with job links or make a Tik Tok promoting a certain job. As these media are widely used to spread information nowadays, you can use these apps to earn payouts while giving your friends job opportunities.
Sharing Bountys is the way: Bountys are Big Companies with a lot of Jobs.
As a Headhunter, you get access to multiple Bounty links you will share with your community and peers.
You will share the links via Whatsapp, Facebook groups, Telegram groups, NextDoor, Reddit, etc.
All you need to do is to get digital flyers with Bounty QR codes, take a few printouts and go canvassing.
Clicking or scanning these will direct your referrals to their local job openings. As these links don’t have an expiry, your friends can access them anytime they want and apply for a job while you earn fat payouts on every successful application.
Don’t jump the gun, cause’ flyers are fun: Flyers might be the most important ammo in your job-sharing arsenal. The Bountys page on your Dashboard has a lot of them waiting to get printed.
- Paste some in public squares where they are visible to a lot of people. Believe it or not, you might be helping out some desperate strangers looking for employment opportunities and getting paid for these unsolicited favors.
- Give some to your local barber as people tend to listen to those whom they trust with a pair of scissors around their heads!
- You can even go out and distribute some at your local grocery stores…and in the words of Headhunter Jacob, some will laugh, some will raise a brow but a lot of them would take those flyers.
- Thou Shall Give Job Opportunities To Those Who Need Them! This shall be your drill around Churches. Even if you are not religious, churches are always a great place to get to know different people. Create a network of your own like Jacob where you can share job links and distribute Bounty flyers. The payouts from these would make you want to believe that God does indeed move in mysterious ways.
Earn back what you paid for College: Young adults need money but they don’t have it. Solve their problems by giving them job opportunities. Join local university groups on Whatsapp and Facebook and share job links as everybody at that age wants to go around town with a thick wallet. Distribute some flyers and see your network growing overnight. Let us tell you this, you won’t be waiting long before your Dashboard starts clinking.
Being a Headhunter is not all about sharing jobs and earning amazing payouts. Something’s more in store for you once you get to know the ropes. We at Synkdup have developed a way using which you as a Headhunter can double your monthly income in one go. Curious? Well, you should be.