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Top 12 No-Phone Work-From-Home Jobs

An updated list of top twelve remote work opportunities that don’t involve taking phone calls.
By Synkdup Editorial Team  |  25 January 2024
Non-Phone Work-From-Home Jobs

In the age of digital connectivity, the idea of working from the comfort of your home without the constant ring of a phone may seem like a dream come true.

However, jobs that you do over the phone seem to have a bad rap with most people. Particularly with introverts and socially anxious people. These are mostly people who opt for written communication jobs rather than spoken ones.

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If you are someone like that and are looking for remote work opportunities, you’ve come to the right place.

This blog delves into the top ten opportunities that not only allow you to leave the phone behind but also empower you to craft a rewarding career from the cozy confines of your home office.

From content creation to data entry, we explore the diverse avenues that open up when your workspace is only a few steps away from your coffee maker.

Top 12 Non-Phone Remote Jobs

So, let’s get right into it, then…

1. Headhunter

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $20,000 per year | Source: Glassdoor

Recruitment marketing is a rapidly growing field today with abundant employment opportunities of all kinds. From in-house recruiters to agency recruiters, you can find a variety of remote work opportunities in the HR sector.

If you’d like to work on a commission basis, the Syndup headhunter program is probably your best option. That’s because, with this program, you get a commission on each successful application rather than on each successful hire.

Plus, since it is a commission-based model, you are under no compulsion to work more than you want. Headhunters work remotely and on their own schedule, making up to $25 per successful application.

What’s more, you promote job openings rather than a product or service and contribute to providing employment to people. For many, this leads to great job satisfaction and fulfillment.

2. Virtual Assistant

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $52,500 per year | Source: Glassdoor

As the name itself suggests, a virtual assistant works virtually or online as an assistant to someone. It is a great job, as it allows you to learn things that are useful in all kinds of different job roles. These include mostly secretarial tasks such as scheduling meetings, preparing Excel sheets, data entry, admin tasks, and so on.

In addition to a computer and a good internet connection, all you really need to be qualified for a VA (Virtual Assistant) role is a decent knowledge of computers and the internet. And you can easily find a variety of jobs in this field on different freelancer gig portals like Upwork and Fiverr.

Though at times you may be required to get on a phone call with your employer, most of the time you will be working alone.

3. Freelance Writer

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $64,036 per year | Source: Glassdoor

Though at most places, writers are required to come into the office, freelance writers typically work remotely. They work on a project-to-project basis and can gain experience in a wide variety of work.

Written content is a powerful and highly utilized marketing tool today, and there is a huge demand for writers in spite of the emergence of platforms like Chat GPT.

As a freelancer, you could do all kinds of writing, from blogging to copywriting and script writing. If you are good with words and can research well, the world is your oyster when it comes to finding a livelihood.

4. Editor/Proofreader

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $68,879 per year | Source: Glassdoor

You can also apply your writing acumen to correct and improve other people’s write-ups as a proofreader or editor. As an editor, you would be doing a lot of reading, paraphrasing, proofreading, and rewriting. And neither of these requires you to show up at the workplace in person.

It is one of the best remote jobs for word wizards, and it pays really well too. However, you would need strong credentials to get work as an editor in most places.

You also need a keen eye for detail for this role. You need to be able to catch the smallest of errors in the text. You need to be very patient and have the willingness to go through the text multiple times to ensure accuracy.

You also need to maintain consistency throughout the document in terms of language, style, and formatting.

You also need to be highly adaptable as an editor. A good editor/proofreader can adapt their editing style to suit various genres, whether it's academic writing, creative content, business documents, or technical manuals.

5. Video Editor

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $60964 per year | Source: Glassdoor

Videos, especially short-form videos like Instagram reels and YouTube shorts, are one of the most powerful mediums for advertising and marketing. No wonder video editors are in high demand across industries today!

And it is very convenient to do this job remotely, too. Video editor is one of the most sought-after roles in the non-phone WFH jobs category.

A video editor's role involves taking the raw video and audio clips and turning them into a polished and engaging final product. They enhance the visuals, sync up the audio, add effects, and ensure the video's quality. It's a mix of technical skills and creative storytelling to make the video look and sound just right.

6. Graphic Designer

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $62,063 per year | Source: Glassdoor

If you have a good visual aesthetic sense, you should consider learning graphic design, as there is a great demand for skilled graphic designers across industries today.

A graphic designer is basically a professional who is all about visuals. They use stuff like pictures, colors, and fonts to make cool designs for all kinds of things. You will find their work everywhere, from websites to ads and even on your cereal box.

As a graphic designer, you could find work in all kinds of places, including advertising agencies, design studios, web development companies, animation, and e-commerce companies.

You will need strong design software skills to get a well-paying job or freelance project. The standard design software in most industries is Adobe Creative Suite, which includes tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

7. UI UX Designer

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $99,199 per year | Source: Glassdoor

As a UI/UX designer, your role is all about crafting exceptional user experiences. You'll be the mastermind behind user interfaces, ensuring they are not only visually appealing but also highly functional.

Your responsibilities include conducting user research, creating wireframes and prototypes, and collaborating closely with developers to bring your designs to life. It's all about making digital products and websites user-friendly and engaging.

Qualifications often include a bachelor's degree in design or a related field, proficiency in design software like Sketch or Adobe XD, and a solid portfolio that showcases your design skills.

The best part? Many UI/UX design positions offer remote work opportunities, allowing you to work from the comfort of your own space while making a significant impact on the digital world.

So, if you're passionate about design and want to create user-friendly digital experiences, UI/UX design could be the right career path for you.

8. Data Entry Clerk

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $46,438 per year | Source: Glassdoor

In a data entry gig, you’d be required to enter large amounts of data into a computer. It is a procedural, monotonic job for the most part and doesn’t involve a lot of thinking or creativity. Neither do you need any specialized skills for it; in most cases, a basic familiarity with MS Office and quick typing are enough to get a job in a data entry role.

Freelance platforms like Upwork and Freelancer usually have tons of openings for data entry positions. As data entry jobs are typically available on a project basis, you stand a better chance of finding a suitable gig on a freelance platform rather than a regular job search portal.

It is one of the jobs that requires the least interpersonal communication, which makes it an ideal job for those who are looking for non-phone work-from-home jobs because they don’t want to talk to people. What’s more, this is a great job whether you are looking for part-time work or full-time.

9. Transcriptionist

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $45,652 per year | Source: Glassdoor

As a transcriber, you would be listening to an audio or video file and typing up what is being said. The objective is to make a text document of the information present in the audio/video file.

You could be transcribing anything from university lectures to legal hearings, and, though it doesn’t seem like it, it could actually turn out to be a very interesting job. You might also be required to transcribe recorded phone calls or debates.

Websites like Rev and TranscribeMe are great for finding transcription gigs. And all you really need is good listening skills, fast typing, and a computer with a good internet connection. Some transcribers also use a foot pedal to pause and resume the recording while typing. However, if you type fast, you are probably not going to need a foot pedal.

10. Web Developer

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $87,950 per year | Source: Glassdoor

The relentless digitalization of everything that we are witnessing right now is contributing to the growth of job opportunities for web developers who can build and maintain websites.

Web developers ensure everything on a website, from the layout to buttons, functions properly, making your online experience enjoyable and user-friendly. It's like being the architect and builder of the online world.

As a no-phone work-from-home job, web development is one of the most appealing careers out there. You write code and design web pages, making them look great and function smoothly, all while staying connected with your team and clients online.

11. Social Media Marketer

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $58,500 per year | Source: Glassdoor

Social media is a very important marketing channel today, and the field offers a variety of remote work opportunities where you do not need to be on the phone all the time.

You could work as a social media manager for all kinds of businesses, be they individuals or companies. As a social media manager, you would be managing your employer’s social media presence and handling the marketing campaigns they run on their social media.

Some of your basic roles and responsibilities would include:

  • Engaging with the audience by replying to comments and DMs.
  • They develop engaging and relevant content for social media posts
  • Conducting A/B tests to compare different strategies, content, and advertising approaches to determine what works best for the brand
  • Monitoring and analyzing the performance of social media campaigns

It could be a fun job if you are looking for work that’s both creative and analytical, and you don’t have to make phone calls either.

12. Affiliate Marketer

Average annual pay in the U.S. – $76,082 per year | Source: Glassdoor

Though not strictly a job, affiliate marketing is a really lucrative gig if you can nurture a large social media following. If you have a niche following, you can start making money as an affiliate marketer that you can get a piece of simply by having a big following on social media.

An affiliate marketer is an individual or business that promotes and sells products or services on behalf of another company or merchant in exchange for a commission. Their primary goal is to drive sales and generate leads for the products or services they are promoting.

Affiliate marketers often select a specific niche or category of products or services that align with their interests, expertise, and target audience. This helps them create content and promotions that are relevant to their audience.

As an affiliate marketer, you can create different types of content to promote the affiliate products or services. This content can include blog posts, reviews, social media posts, videos, email marketing, and more. The goal is to provide valuable information and recommendations to potential customers.

For deeper insights on affiliate marketing, read Affiliate Marketing – An Amazing Side Hustle in 2023

How to Find Legitimate No-Phone Work-from-Home Jobs

Scammers are on the loose; you’ve got to be extra careful while looking for a job opportunity online, as people looking for remote jobs are the easiest target for scammers. This is because they never get to come into the office and check out the workplace to ensure that everything is legitimate.

Here are some pointers that you should always keep in mind while looking for non-phone remote jobs:

Don’t Rush: Take the time to thoroughly research any company or job opportunity that piques your interest. Look for reviews and feedback from current or former employees.

Beware of Unrealistic Promises: If a job ad promises overnight riches or seems too good to be true, it probably is. Legitimate opportunities require effort and skills.

Check for Red Flags: Be cautious of job listings with misspelled words, poor grammar, or vague job descriptions. These could be indicators of potential scams.

Never Pay to Work: Legitimate employers don't ask for money upfront. If a job opportunity requires an investment from you, it's a major red flag.

Potential Downsides of Remote Jobs

WFH is really great and all but, like everything else, it comes with its own drawbacks too. It can be very useful to be aware of them while looking for a non-phone WFF job. Here’s some of them:

1. Less exposure: Working from the office might offer greater learning opportunities, especially in workplaces with a fast-paced work environment.

2. Less team building: You might miss out on a lot of opportunities to socialize with co-workers and build a sense of camaraderie.

3. Communication challenges: Remote work relies heavily on digital communication tools, which may not always convey nuance or context effectively.

3. Limited resources: Not having access to amenities like printers, office supplies, and office staff could be a limitation in some roles.

4. Work-life disbalance: When your home is your office too, it can lead to a blurring of the line between personal and professional life, and you can end up overworking yourself to burnout.

Balancing Work and Home Life

Just because you are working from home, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry about work-life balance anymore.

While remote jobs have the obvious benefits of flexibility, personal work schedule, increased productivity, no commute, and comfort, it can also lead to burnout. Yes, that’s right, counter-intuitive as it may seem, remote workers tally tend to work longer hours than on-site employees. And, whether it’s at the office or at home, workload is, after all, workload.

Here are a few tips to optimize your remote working hours for work-life balance:

  1. Have a designated place for working at home. Choose a spot that is quiet and has fewer distractions.
  2. Make your working hours known at home. Ensure everyone at home knows what your working hours are and when not to disturb you.
  3. Get household chores done during your off time, so they don’t impinge on your working hours.
  4. Maintain contact with colleagues to ensure you are always in the loop with relevant stuff and don't miss anything.
  5. Use technology like Zoom and Google Meet, where you have features like a sharing screen, to discuss elaborate matters.


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